Hygienic Regulations
Sanitary hygiene regulations for swimming pools and spas
In 1850 Urban Spa Barcelona we exceed the hygienic and sanitary regulations for indoor swimming pool facilities. All swimming pools, especially indoor pools, need an exhaustive control in order to avoid infections by the bathroom, which is regulated by the Royal Decree. However, our pool glass cleaning protocols are more demanding than the regulations.
Despite everything, there is always a potential risk. The main risks are fungi, skin changes or eczema, changes in the vaginal flora, eye irritation. Ear or skin infections caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas aureaginosa, and Legionella.
To avoid all these possible contagions, our pool has an automated control and correction system, which works permanently disinfecting the water with bromine and maintaining stable and correct pH and temperature levels.
In addition, our staff makes continuous measurements of the water to see if the state of pH and Bromine is optimal. Thus, we check the parameters in two different ways. We also measure the relative humidity of the air, CO2, and turbidity.
The water analyzes are carried out by the Echevarne laboratories.
All these measurements and analyses are kept in a pool maintenance book, available to any customer. You may request a copy for your reference.
All public swimming pools and spas must have this record book and must carry out the indicated analyses to comply with health regulations.
The parameters to be respected are the following:
- Bromine : must be between the values of 2 and 5 mg / l
- PH : must be between 7.2 and 8
- CO2 : the difference between exterior and interior not greater than 500 pm.
- Temperature: should not exceed 36 ºC. In our facilities the water does not drop below 32ºC.
- Turbidity : maximum 5.00 ntu
All these measurements experience variations depending on the influx of public and can be altered, so it is important to control them and correct these values.